October 7th, 2015

Udon with carrot, greens, onion, daikon, processed fish cake, chicken. Plain hotdog bun. Kabocha (pumpkin) mochi. Cucumber and cabbage salad. 200ml Hokkaido milk.

Today's lunch is brought to you by weird-uses-of-western-food. It seems like every time I come to this school, a hot dog bun makes up part of the lunch. One week, we got a packet of peanuts cream to put on it (like a super sweet, whipped peanut butter) but usually it is plain. I went back for seconds of the salad and udon. The kabocha mochi was pretty good, and very season appropriate. it had sort of a sweet brown sugar coating on the outside, the pumpkin flavour and gummy mochi texture inside. Mochi is made from pounding cooked rice until it turns into a gummy solid - there are some cool videos on youtube of the process.

Speaking of mochi, I forgot to take a picture of my lunch yesterday. It was plain rice with a flavour packet, milk, and something called "oden": where you simmer a bunch of different ingredients together in broth. The school lunch version was mediocre at best - it was a mochi, a big slice of daikon, and some tubular processed fish cake served on a plate without the broth. Convenience stores sell a much better version of oden - usually with egg, more vegetables, etc and simmered in a super flavourful broth.

After lunch yesterday, I got to go harvest rice with the 5th grade elementary students - we cut it down, tied it in bundles and hung the bundles under a shelter. They will dry here for 1 month, at which point the grains will be separated from the husk and stalk. Then in December, the students will use that rice to make mochi (for something, I don't know exactly what). Here's one picture I took that doesn't have anyone in it:

rice bundles before being tied up