February 5, 2016

White rice. Tsukemono (Japanese pickles). Cooked cabbage/cucumber/shrimp/yellow bell pepper. Japanese curry. 200ml Hokkaido milk.
Off to Sapporo this weekend for Yuki Matsuri (snow festival), their ridiculously large winter festival. I'll send some pictures around the ol social media during/after!

Also, saw a true murder of crows yesterday on my walk home. (by the time i clean off snow/wait for the car to warm, it is about the same length of time for me to walk - so i walk to three of my six schools now.) Crows are always around monbetsu, because of the fish factories - but those aren't running in the winter, so the crows seem to be around the populated parts of town more frequently now. They're super loud. Also, the Japanese crows (species: Jungle Crows) have a big mean-looking beak, I thought they were ravens at first. Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. I love crows. Apparently they live in extended family groups and look after nieces/nephews etc. They also hold funeral type gatherings. Maybe that was was happening, for a popular old guy
